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Support Students with SEN Mobile
Supporting Student with SEN
HKUST campus

Mission Statement

Do you know

SEN Support of Counseling and Wellness Center coordinates with various offices to render assistance in course materials, examinations arrangement, accommodation and other necessary support.

Statement on Equal Opportunities and Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

At the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy against any form of disability discrimination, harassment, or vilification. The University requires all members to comply with legislation protecting equal opportunities for students with special educational needs (SEN), in alignment with Hong Kong legislation and the principles set forth by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). We adhere to the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap. 383) and the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 487), specifically referring to the Clause 24 in Education of Cap. 487.  We also follow the EOC’s Code of Practice on Education to guide our actions and policies.


The Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee of HKUST provides strategic oversight on matters of equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion. This commitment extends to providing equal access to educational activities and opportunities for all students, faculty, and staff, promoting an inclusive culture that values diversity in all its forms. Additionally, the EOC has prepared a Casebook that includes detailed examples and guidelines, particularly in the sections on “Disability Discrimination,” which can be referred to as needed for more information.








Statement on Supporting Students with SEN

The University takes a proactive role in ensuring and cultivating a positive learning environment for students, where equal opportunities in academic and non-academic pursuits for each student are guaranteed.


The SEN Support under the Counseling and Wellness Center provides a wide range of support services and resources to ensure that all students have equality of opportunity, that they benefit equally from university life, and to cultivate a campus culture of inclusion.  SEN Support has the following objectives:

  • Embracing diversity and inclusiveness
  • Cultivating a caring and mutually supportive atmosphere in the University
  • Raising awareness of diverse-ability and initiating a cultural change at HKUST
  • Promoting integration and equal opportunities on campus
  • Providing a one-stop service to students with special educational needs (SEN) and faculty / staff working with these students

If a student is diagnosed or suspects his/her difficulties are related to any type of SEN, he or she is strongly advised to self-identify and provide recent documentation of his or her SEN to SEN Support. Reasonable accommodations or adjustments will be worked out amongst student, instructor(s) and SEN Support.   If SEN Support is not aware of a student's needs, please contact to arrange a confidential discussion.  All information is handled in the strictest confidence.