Emergency Evacuation for students with SEN
In an educational environment, making sure students' safety during a building emergency, including evacuation considering the special needs of individuals with disabilities, is essential and important. With the support and valuable input from the Hong Kong PHAB Association, this set of training materials is developed, aiming at helping students with disabilities, departmental safety officers of the University, administrators and everyone in the campus community look at some of the important areas related to the ability of a student with SEN to safely evacuate a building on campus at an emergency.
It is worth mentioning that accessibility is considered in the production of the training materials. Special thanks to the efforts made by SLCO Community Resources to develop the bilingual captioning and Hong Kong Sign Language interpretation to make our training materials more inclusive and reachable to non-Cantonese speaking audience.
Please spare some time, at your own pace, to view training videos by topics. For more details on the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) for eligible students with SEN, and the Evacuation Information for Assisting Students with Disabilities, please visit this page.
Tips on Assisting Students with Special NeedsThis video includes general helping tips and specific strategies when assisting students with special needs in an emergent situation. (duration: 8:12)
Visual, Hearing, and Physical DisabilitiesThis video aims to equip you with some knowledge about different types of disabilities. (duration: 6:32)
Evacuation Measures and RecommendationsWe are the one who knows our needs the best. This video highlights what students with special needs have to know for emergency evacuation. (duration: 6:12)
Demo: Assisting Students with Special NeedsTechniques to assist with students with visual impairment or in wheelchairs in an emergent situation. (duration: 6:13)
Demo: Evacuations on CampusDemonstrations at HKUST to elaborate techniques of assisting students with special needs at emergency. (duration: 14:36)