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Supporting Student with SEN

About this project


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Everyone can experience the health benefits of exercising - age, abilities, ethnicity, size or shape do not matter. Inclusive stretching was introduced to the HKUST campus community in Fall 2019. Students and staff members had a great deal of interaction with Mr Chiu-kin TSANG and the benefits of stretching. Self-quarantine measures and the switch to the online mode of teaching in the first few months of Year 2020 did not restrict us from including everyone to our activities. And stretching exercise is a good option during the time we need to stay at home.

We are deeply grateful for the exhilarating experience of joint efforts rendered by the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Stretching Exercise Association (HKSEA) and SLCO Community Resources (SLCO) in making of this collaboration. The personal sharings by the two stretching coaches have deepened the inclusiveness and understanding of different abilities in this project. Nevertheless, the Deaf-hearing team of Hong Kong Sign Language in our video clips is a new arrangement to our awareness events. We hope to demonstrate how small changes can make a difference to the campus inclusion -- the difference can be essential for some, but useful for all.




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About inclusive stretching 有關共融伸展運動

This is a terminology being used in this project. There is no difference in the qualification of stretching instructors with or without vision. As explained by Ms Joan Cheng, the Vice President of HKSEA , Chiu-kin needed to complete the standard instructor training and assessment like any other candidates. Chiu-kin teams up with an assistant when delivering stretching classes. The assistant helps Chiu-kin when it comes to fixing students' postures and locating himself in the teaching venues.



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About Deaf-hearing team interpretation 有關聾健團隊傳譯
The team consists of a hearing and a native deaf interpreter paired up by SLCO.  The hearing interpreter first listens to Cantonese contents of the materials and conveys it in Hong Kong Sign Language. This ensures the signing more natural and suitable for the language habits of different deaf audiences when comparing to hearing interpreters who are second language learners of sign language. The Deaf interpreter looks at the signing of the hearing interpreter and makes adjustments such as correcting signing errors and modifying the expression, converting it into a version that is more natural and is closer to the language use of the target Deaf community.




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