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Supporting Student with SEN

Reading Resources

Members of the HKUST community are welcome to loan the reading resources on various types of special educatinoal needs / disabilities from the SEN Support. Visit us during our opening hours (8:45am - 12:45pm, and 2pm - 5:30pm, Monday through Friday, except public holidays) at:


Room 5022, Acadmic Building (via lift3)

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Can I Tell You About Autism / A Stroke / Depression / Dyspraxia / Eating Disorders / Peanut Allergy? A guide for friends, family and professional

"The "Can I tell you about...? series offers simple introductions to a range of limiting conditions and other issues affect our lives. Friendly characters invite readers to learn about their experiences, the challenges they face and how they would like to be helped and supported. These books serve as excellent starting points for family and classroom discussion."

Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  2014.


Life Without Limits

"What would your life be like if anything were possible? Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disabilities to live an independent, rich, fulfilling, and "ridiculously good" life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness."

Nick Vujicic,.WaterBrook Press. 2014.


Raising The Perfectly Imperfect Child - Facing Challenges with Strength, Courage, and Hope

"You may lack limbs, but don't let that define what you can or can't do."

Boris Vujicic. WaterBrook Press. 2016.


Stand Strong -- You Can Overcome Bullying (and other stuff that keeps you down)

"With no arms, no legs, and no defense, Nick Vujicic has been a bully's target and knows that it feels like to be picked on and pushed around: It makes your stomach hurt, gives you nightmares, and feels like there is no hope in sight. NO BULLY CAN DEFINE WHO YOU ARE"

Nick Vujicic. WaterBrook Press. 2014.


Talk To Me: conversation strategies for parents of children on the Autism Spectrum or with Speech and Language Impairments

"If your child finds talking to people a struggle, this is the book to get the conversation started!"

Heather Jones. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2014.


The Autism Spectrum and Depression

"For people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the stress of coping with a world that seems alien to them can often lead to depression. Written specifically for adults with ASD, this groundbreaking book offers accessible and sensitive advice on how to manage depression and make positive steps towards recovery."

Nick Dubin. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2014.


This Book Will Make You Feel Beautiful

Improve your body image and learn to combat self-doubt so you feel comfortable in your own skin. See yourself differently. Combat body insecurity. Improve self-esteem. Manage emotional eating. Stop destructive behaviours. Nurture confidence and self-belief."

Dr Jessamy Hibbred & juo Usmar. Quercus Editions Ltd. 2015.


This Book Will Make You Feel Mindful

Learn how your mind works so you can live in the moment, make the most of your time and feel happier and more fulfilled. A mindfulness starter kit. Understand your mind. Manage worry and stress. Stop dwelling on the past. Live in the moment. Find peace."

Dr Jessamy Hibbred & juo Usmar. Quercus Editions Ltd. 2015.




哈拉爾德.布隆貝格著. 陳欣蔚譯. 匯智出版有限公司. 2014年.



死亡一直是中國人忌諱怕提的事情。靈實醫院善終服務的醫護人員,透過感情細膩的筆觸,坦誠地分享了陪伴病人走過幽谷迎向人生終點 ...

梁智達著. 基督教靈實協會出版. 2015年.




新生精神康復會著. 經濟日報出版社. 2016年.




朱佩娟著.  三聯書店(香港)有限公司出版. 2013年.




高誌樫口述. 高綺雯筆錄. 三聯書店(香港)有限公司出版. 2015年.




大津秀一著.  詹慕如譯. 天下文化出版. 2017年.




李菁著. 龍耳出版. 2013年.



一句「聾耳陳」、「聾婆」我們可能不經意地說出口, 但有聽障的人來說,就是莫大的難堪及侮辱! 作者就聽過很多遍了,她無憎恨、埋怨, 反過來去「聽」身邊人的心聲! 了解及愛他們。她喜愛繪畫, 用圖畫展示出她內裡繽紛的彩虹。

方芷盈著. 龍耳出版. 2011年.

Student Sharing

Poon, Kam Hung (JP)

Bachelor of Engineering