Visceral Disability and Chronic Health
Smart Patient of Hospital Authority 醫院管理局「智友站」
A one-stop information and care skills information platform that contains a lot of information about various chronic illnesses.
Regeneration Society 再生會
In Chinese only: 致力為紅斑狼瘡、硬皮症、痛症及有情緒困擾等長期病患者提供多元化的服務,舉行十大再生勇士選舉、相關刊物及資料。
Hong Kong Parkinson’s Disease Foundation 香港柏金遜症基金會
In Chinese only: 向柏金遜症患者、家屬、社會大眾及護理人員,宣傳有關此症的知識,網站提供認識柏金遜症的詳細資料。
E2C of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 香港復康會「康程式」
The e2Care Project is an initiative of the Community Rehabilitation Network (CRN) adapting the latest information technology on community rehabilitation services.
Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association Limited
In Chinese only: 神經-肌肉疾病患者及家屬服務的病人互助組織,病類簡介包含相關資訊
Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association 香港認知障礙症協會
The Association specializes in providing services to people with dementia and their family, and raising the general public’s awareness of the disease. The website contains details about dementia.
Lo, Hei Yin (Tiffany)
Bachelor of Business Administration