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Supporting Student with SEN

Stretches for Face & Eyes


VOL. 3: FACE & EYES 面部肌肉及眼部 

Most of us were not aware of the pain from wearing a face mask all day until the recent circumstance. While digital eye fatigue and clenched jaws get more significant after multiple Zoom meetings and completing tasks on computer screens, we need to stop touching our face to minimize the spread of virus and germs. There are more than 50 muscles that make up your facial structure. Exercising them to help reduce facial tension and related headaches!


#ClenchedJaw #EarPain #EyeStrain

Facial stretching benefits you from: 面部肌肉伸展好處多

  • soothing optic and relaxing areas around eyes 使眼肌放鬆
  • resting overused muscles and strengthening eye focus 恢復眼神
  • relieving tension in throat, temples and jaws 舒緩喉嚨、太陽穴和上下顎
  • improving blood circulation to keep skin and eyes in good shape 改變面部血液循環
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