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Support Students with SEN Mobile
Supporting Student with SEN

Special Learning Difficulties (SLD) / Dyslexia

Hong Kong Association for Special Learning Disabilities 香港特殊學習障礙協會

In Chinese only:「學障小百科」提供有關讀特殊學習障礙的資訊



Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team 香港特殊教育困難研究小組

The website provides information for the public to understand dyslexia.



Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association

In Chinese only: 為讀寫障礙學童設計的mobile app遊戲



My Dyslexie Font (English only)

Website about a font being specially designed for people with dyslexia, in order to make reading easier

Do you know

There are eight types of SEN: hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical disability, intellectual disability, speech and language impairment, special learning difficulties, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder and autistic spectrum disorder.