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Supporting Student with SEN

Speech and Language Impairment

A student talking with one of our student counselors

Speech or language impairment is a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation of words, a language impairment, or a voice impairment, that adversely affects a student's educational performance. People with speech and language impairment may present with communication problems including the following characteristics:

  • Articulation: Difficulties in making certain sounds which may be left off, added, changed, or distorted, and makes it hard for people to understand and comprehend.
  • Fluency: Flow of speech is being disrupted with atypical rhythm, abnormal number of repetitions and hesitations.
  • Voice: Problems associated with abnormal pitch, loudness, vocal quality, resonance and loss of endurance.
  • Language: Impaired ability to comprehend and/or use of words in context.

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Faculty and staff members are encouraged to make referrals to formalize the helping process, and facilitate documentation and liaising with the source of referral. SEN Support will outreach the student concerned.