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SENtastic Staff Award 2023

We are pleased to announce the launch of “SENtastic Staff Award”. The Award aims to recognize and appreciate the exceptional efforts of our faculty and staff members who go above and beyond to care students' overall well-being and diverse learning needs.



  • To serve as an open recognition for faculty/staff members who demonstrate consistent exceptional caring and support to students in term of their overall well-being and learning experience in HKUST.
  • To create a platform for sharing good practices among the teaching and supporting staff, and motivate them to continue providing care for students.
  • To cultivate a positive and mutually supportive environment in the community.

Who can make nomination?

  • All students, teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Each member could submit maximum 2 nominations.
  • Self-nominations will not be accepted.


Selection Criteria

  • Academic or non-academic staff members, who have made a positive impact on students’ personal life or facilitated their overall learning experience in HKUST.


Award Committee of 2023

  • Members:
    Ms Silver Chan, Head (Counseling & Wellness)
    Ms Vava Kwok, Senior Student Counselor
    Ms Jenny Wong, Student Counselor (Educational Psychologist)
  • Secretary:
    Ms Cathy Ng, Manager (SEN Support)


Prizes of 2023

  • A personal trophy and cash coupons of HK$1,000 each for the awardees.


Awardees of 2023  - Acceptance Speech (full version, click HERE)

(in an alphabetic order of awardees' surname)

1.  Prof. Kin H CHAN - Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Management, School of Business and Management

"Affording and maintaining confidence of the learners is the most important aspect of their learning journey."

(Prof. Yaping GONG, Head of Department of Management, received the award on behalf of Prof. Chan)


2. Ms. Sandy CHAN - Lecturer, Center for Language Education, School of Humanities and Social Science

"Sometimes, all they need is someone who listens, understands, and supports them in their learning journey."


3. Ms. Tina KO - Senior Manager (Student Advising and Development), School of Science

"These students have taught me just as much as I have taught them."


4. Dr. Cindy LI - Senior Lecturer & UG Programs Coordinator, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

"Being a good listener with an empathetic mind and warm smile really helps in supporting students."


5. Ms. May LIAO - Lecturer, Center for Language Education, School of Humanities and Social Science

"I've learned how important it is to stay humble, honest, and just be a good listener. It’s truly remarkable how much you can learn from the people around you if you just open yourself up to it."


6. Dr. Philip LAM - Lecturer, Division of Life Science, School of Science

"Creating a caring and inclusive learning environment requires a concerted effort from everyone involved."


7. Prof. Arthur LAU - Associate Professor,  Interdisciplinary Education, Division of Environment and Sustainability

"I would applaud this as a co-create journey with the students – upon the caring and supports I shared, I also learn from my dear students!"


8. Ms. Melissa MEGAN - Senior Lecturer, Center for Language Education, School of Humanities and Social Science

"Social-emotional learning is essential for students' academic and life success."


9. Mr. Bill Hing-faat YIP - Executive Officer, Student Housing & Residential Life Office, Dean of Students’ Office

"By putting ourselves in others' shoes, we gain a deeper understanding of their needs."

